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Jesus rose from the dead, now what?

4/14, 19, 21 Days after Jesus rose again. The disciples were wondering, “Now what?” It was not quite this soon, but I want you to think about this verse. Acts 1:8 “…you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”

What does Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and remote parts mean to you? Where is the center of your faith? For the disciples it was Jerusalem. Part of the expression of our faith takes place right where our faith is based. How can you share your faith (be His witness) in the most immediate way, right where you currently are?? And later, now what? Where is the area that immediately surrounds where you live and breathe most of your life? Where do you see the boundaries of your local community? Jerusalem was located in Judea. What is your Judea? Jesus wants an ever expanding reach to happen. Like ripples in a pond when a stone is dropped always moving out from the center…

This doesn’t just happen to happen. Make it a matter of prayer and prepare to extend yourself.

And sometime later, now what? Do we see where this is going (literally). “…you shall be My witnesses (be His witness) in... Samaria...” Where is the area that is a bit outside of your comfort zone? It is nearby but not your usual stomping grounds because of, well, it could be a lot of things… some caused by things out of your control but they now still control how people interact – or don’t. It is somewhere beyond the boundaries of your local community. Samaria and Judea were once one people. Of one faith. Of one government. Of one God. But now there are barriers. There are divisions, real and imagined. What is your Samaria? Jesus wants us to reach beyond what is us. This doesn’t just happen to happen. Make it a matter of prayer to prepare to extend yourself. And still later?? How far do the ripples go? “…you shall be My witnesses in... the remotest part of the earth” (be His witness). Where is this? It doesn’t narrow it down much does it?

What is remote to you? It may be far away geographically. It may not be.

Jesus wants us to reach beyond what is close for us. How do we identify where it is? Is it Germany? Is it Colombia? Is it Nigeria? Is it Canada?

This doesn’t just happen to happen. It may not be right now. As a matter of fact it most likely is NOT right now. But it may be that preparations need to start happening inside of you now for you to be ready when the fullness of time comes. Make it a matter of prayer to prepare to extend yourself. Toward where are your ever widening ripples moving you outward? What is your Jerusalem? What is your Judea? What is your Samaria? What is remote for you?

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